Magical Unicorn and Tiny Yellow Star Asymmetric Mismatched Earrings - Matte Silver (in Organza Bag).
Brand: Small Island
Color: Silver
- Small Island is a UK based jewellery brand, specialising in handcrafted high quality pieces at affordable prices.
- Most items are packaged in organza bags and padded envelopes (that fit through a standard UK letter box), excluding Amazon fullfilled items which may be in a cardboard box.
- with inspiration and materials sourced from around the globe, Small Island Jewellery makes one express oneself in a fun and distinctive way.
Details: Magical Unicorn and Tiny Yellow Star Asymmetric Mismatched Earrings - Matte Silver (in Organza Bag).
Size: approx 1.5 x 2.5 cm.
A pound coin is placed in one of the pictures as a size reference.
All Small Island Items are delivered in organza bags.